Be­ing in a Bi­en­na­le - in­ter­vis­ta #09 a Xris­ti­na Ar­gy­ros & Ryan Nei­hei­ser – Pa­digli­o­ne Gre­cia


Seguendo l'influenza culturale che ha reso la Grecia il centro educativo più importante del mondo antico, LA SCUOLA DI ATENE è una ricerca sugli spazi dedicati all'apprendimento e alla trasmissione della conoscenza. Attraverso una messa in scena minimalista e didattica, gli "spazi educativi" sono disposti nel volume del padiglione greco con la stessa libertà spaziale che difendono.


[testo di presentazione tratto dal sito ufficiale della Biennale di architettura di Venezia]

The School of Athens
Greek Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition – Venice Biennale 2018, Giardini

Commissario Secretary General of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment, Eirini Klampatsea
Curatori: Xristina Argyros, Ryan NeiheiserNeiheiser Argyros

The School of Athens is an ambition; a utopian vision of a free, open, informal, and common space for learning. It is an in-between space. Neither inside nor outside, not quite a room, but also not simply a space for circulation. It is not a classroom, and yet we see scholars and students debating, teaching, and studying. Architects throughout history have experimented with different spatial strategies for creating ‘freespaces’ in academic institutions – unprogrammed spaces for impromptu conversations, casual gossip, heated debate, pop-up events, networking, and informal teaching. The architecture of the commons is vital to the university’s continued relevance and vibrancy, and deserves intelligent critique and continual update. There is therefore an urgent need to both look back, and to scan across the current landscape of university architecture, to extract compelling and successful spaces that are ‘free’ – unprogrammed, common, and democratic.

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